Saturday, January 30, 2010

Russian Poems About Mother A Poem About A Russian Sniper?

A poem about a Russian Sniper? - russian poems about mother

They have betrayed us
They fell to their homeland
They killed my people
Thus, when the shutter button to take, I feel remorse for life.
I shot ... I kill
I have the bolt back, bare copper flies threw the air and hiss as it hits the snow.
I move the bolt, prompting a new round in the breach of my gun
I rested my head on other cruise lines, the head of another German
trembles with the cold winds from Russia, which instilled in her hands trying to warm
He sits on the stairs of the old school and falls on the side of
He breathes no more visible, remains motionless.
He has come a mistake here.
-------------------------------------- ...
I have this ...


yippy said...

This could help the place of the experience of a young Russian soldier to thwart attempts to conquer Russia Hilter Sick 2.

Angie said...

You mean, called by the city to life? Nice poem, thank you for sharing.

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